“Although urban systems have attracted the attention of economists for a long time, the study of regional systems has been far too neglected.What makes this subject a real future challenge are the following two reasons: (i) new tools have to be found and applied to build a theoretical framework involving many regions, whereas (ii) the empirical analysis of regional systems requires further and sophisticated developments in spatial econometrics and numerical calibration.”

Behrens & Thisse (2007) read more

Menilik Konsep Keberlanjutan: Urgensi Menyeimbangan Aspek Lingkungan, Sosial & Ekonomi



“Healthy and sustainable societies are based on three pillars: peace and security, sustainable development, the rule of law and respect for human rights. There can be no long-term security without development; there can be no long-term development without security, and no society can long remain prosperous without the rule of law and respect for human rights.” – Kofi Annan, Article in the UN Chronicle, 2015

Sustainability atau keberlanjutan telah menjadi isu penting dalam beberapa dekade terakhir. Dalam kaitannya, kesadaran akan dampak pembangunan terhadap lingkungan dan kebutuhan untuk melindungi sumber daya alam juga semakin berkembang. read more

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